Exercise calorie calculator

Use our exercise calorie calculator to see how much exercise you need to do to burn off those calories! Or find out how many calories you could burn by doing your favourite activities.

Click on one or more activities below to see how they compare

How many calories have I burned?

Hopefully, our exercise calculator has given you a better sense of how many calories you can burn by taking part in different activities. All the activities above burn off some calories, though as you can see there are some which are far better at this than others.

Whatever king of activity you enjoy, by using this data you can find out how much exercise you will need to do to hit your goals.

The many health benefits of exercise

Staying active is one of the best things the you can do for you overall health, and when it comes to decreasing your risk of developing cancer, exercise is particularly beneficial.

Moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, and more vigorous exercise, such as running and cycling, decrease the risk of colon, womb and post-menopausal breast cancer. You can see more information about this in our information.

Getting started

Despite all these benefits, many people find it difficult to fit these activities into their daily routines. However, you don’t need to do a marathon before work to stay healthily!

Find out how active you should be according to our latest guidelines, where we provide examples of how breaking activity up into chunks, throughout the day can help you stay healthy.

Why not make exercise a part of your journey into work each day? If it’s not too far for you, try cycling, walking or jogging instead of taking public transport or driving. Take a look at our article on the joys of city cycling to get inspired.

Did you know?

It’s a simple fact that if you regularly eat or drink more calories than you need, you’ll gain weight – in fact, consuming just 100 extra calories a day can lead to a weight gain of 5kg (11lb) a year! Here are some examples of the calories in different foods and drinks:

100 Calories 200 Calories 300 Calories
4 squares of milk chocolate 500ml bottle of cola Coffee shop croissant
Single measure of vodka & cola 3 digestive biscuits Medium hot chocolate with full fat milk
20 crisps 16 French fries 2 medium slices cheese & tomato pizza

Surprised by how many calories these foods contain? It can be complicated to keep track of what foods you are eating and how much these impact your health, which why we’ve put together a guide on avoiding high-calorie foods, such as sugary snacks and drinks, fast food and other kinds of processed food.