Our partnerships

We work with a variety of organisations to deliver help and advice on cancer prevention. Together, we can help to reduce the number of people affected by cancer and keep loved ones together for longer.

We collaborate closely with a variety of diverse organisations and alliances to deliver the latest research and advice on cancer prevention. There are two million people currently living with cancer in the UK, a figure predicted to double over the next decade, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Junior Cooks Club

Have you heard about our new collaboration with Cook School to promote healthy eating to kids?

> Find out more about Junior Cooks Club

Alcohol Health Alliance

We are a member of the Alcohol Health Alliance, a coalition of 50 non-governmental organisations that work together to highlight rising levels of alcohol-related health risks, and promote evidence-based policies to reduce the harm caused by alcohol, including developing certain types of cancer.

Association of Medical Research Charities

We are a member of Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC), which supports health and medical charities in the UK to deliver high-quality research, and champions impact for patients and public benefit through influencing policy and research.

British Dietetic Association

Our Eat Well During Cancer booklet is endorsed by the British Dietetic Association (BDA), with their Specialist Oncology group supporting us with their expertise around diet during cancer treatment.

Obesity Health Alliance

We are a member of the Obesity Health Alliance, which we support to help prevent obesity-related health conditions. We share our insights and expertise with its members and support the Alliance’s campaigns to help influence government on vital policies needed to curb the obesity crisis.

National Institute for Health Research

We are founding members of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Cancer and Nutrition Collaboration. The scope of the Collaboration’s work includes all stages of cancer, from prevention through to treatment, living with cancer and palliative and end of life care.


We have partnered with MyNutriWeb to create a series of webinars designed specifically for health professionals during 2020–21. MyNutriWeb is an online platform where all professionals in healthcare and food provision as well as the media can engage in online professional development. It is a trusted source of in-depth nutrition and health learnings for these audiences managed by a senior Dietitian and Nutrition team where the continuing professional development is endorsed by professional bodies.


We are a member of the food and farming alliance, Sustain, which aims to enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment for everyone, enrich society and culture and promote equity.

Union for International Cancer Control

We are members of the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), regularly attending and participating in its World Cancer Congress and World Cancer Leaders’ Summit to share the very latest on our cancer prevention research and policy activities. Every year, on 4 February, we also provide a tailored social media campaign to support UICC’s World Cancer Day, a singular initiative under which the entire world can unite against cancer.

As part of World Cancer Research Fund International’s network:

The Continuous Update Project

We are part of a global network of dedicated cancer charities which runs the world’s largest cancer prevention database. The Continuous Update Project (CUP) is a unique resource which contains almost 10,000 papers on cancer prevention and survival. It involves over 140 scientists from over 17 different countries, and is constantly updated by WCRF-funded researchers at Imperial College, London.

International Cancer Research Partnership

We are members of the International Cancer Research Partnership (ICRP), an active network of cancer research funding organisations, working together to enhance global collaboration and strategic coordination of research between individual researchers and organisations. ICRP is a unique alliance of cancer research organisations from Australia, Canada, France, Japan, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and the United States.

International Union for Nutritional Sciences

World Cancer Research Fund International is a founding member of the first ever International Union for Nutritional Sciences (IUNS) Task Force on Nutrition and Cancer. The aim of the Task Force is to build collaborations between organisations involved in nutrition and cancer at a global level. The ultimate goals are to build capacity to support practitioners in their training and practice, promote research, leading to public policy focused on impactful interventions, and improved care and outcomes for those affected by cancer. The Task Force is a global extension of the work carried out at national level by the Cancer and Nutrition Collaboration.

NCD Alliance

We are part of the NCD Alliance, a global thought leader on non-communicable disease policy and practice. The Alliance is a convener of the civil society movement, a partner to governments and UN agencies, and an advocate for people at risk of or living with NCDs.

World Health Organization

World Cancer Research Fund International is officially recognised by the World Health Organization (WHO). This means that it is acknowledged as a key player and trusted adviser at the highest level of global public health, and cements our reputation as a leading global authority on the link between diet, weight, physical activity and the prevention of cancer.

It is thanks to collaborative partnerships like these that we can deliver the best possible cancer prevention advice, and help to create a world where no one develops a preventable cancer.

World Cancer Research Fund UK is registered with the Charity Commission in England and Wales (Registered Charity No. 1000739). The Charity Commission holds comprehensive details about every registered charity, including Annual Returns, frameworks and trustee details. We believe high standards of fundraising are essential for charities and donors. We are honoured to be members of the Fundraising Regulator and Direct Marketing Association so that all of our donors, no matter how big or small, are able to give with confidence.